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CORE Pre-Algebra


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Mrs. Dorsey's Classroom Page



Parent/Guardian Letter 02/17/25

Inclement Weather Plans

I want to ensure that learning remains seamless for all students, regardless of weather conditions. In the event of inclement weather that results in school closures or schedule changes, I will post all assignments and necessary instructions in our Google Classroom. Students will be able to access their work, resources, and any additional guidance from home. 

Additionally, I will discuss expectations with each class in advance so students understand their responsibilities when learning remotely due to weather-related disruptions. Please encourage your child to check Google Classroom regularly and reach out with any questions they may have.

Thank you for your support in keeping our students engaged and on track during unexpected weather events. Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions or concerns.


Classroom Changes & Goals
As I mentioned last semester, we will be making some changes in the classroom this spring. The biggest adjustment will be that students will be taking their own notes from here on out. In preparation for Algebra I next year, it’s essential that students become comfortable with note-taking. In Algebra I, note-taking is an important skill, and I’d like to help them build that foundation now. I know this might be a challenging transition for some students, but rest assured I will be working with them individually to help develop their note-taking skills.

Additionally, we will be working at a faster pace this semester, with the goal of completing all new material by the end of March. This will give us ample time to focus on review and preparation for the state test.


Additional Support Resources
If after-school tutoring is not an option, I highly recommend checking out the YayMath YouTube channel. It provides excellent support for students who need extra help or a refresher on various topics. It can be a great resource to complement what we’re doing in class.

As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me. I’m excited for the rest of the school year and look forward to seeing all the progress the students will make as we work toward mastering these important skills!

Thank you for your continued support!


Below are links to access our classroom supply list, syllabus, and lesson plans. If you have any questions, please feel free to e-mail me at nicole.dorsey@sequoyaheagles.net


Pre-Algebra Supply List


Lesson Plans - Updated Weekly

Google Classroom