7th Grade Math
Mrs. Hall
2024-2025 Syllabus
Planning Period: 9:20 - 10:10
Contact Information:
School Phone: 918-343-5105
School Email:
Classroom Expectations:
1. You MUST be seated when the bell rings or you are TARDY.
2. PHONES: All phones are to be turned off and locked in their locker at the
beginning of the school day. A student will receive a phone violation
(consequences determined by administration) if they are on their phone during
the school day.
3. Be prepared: Bring a pencil, paper, and math binder or math folder EVERYDAY.
4. When you enter my room PLEASE BE QUIET. Go to the hallway if you want to
socialize with your friends.
5. Have a good ATTITUDE!
6. Treat each other with respect. ZERO TOLERANCE FOR BULLYING.
Daily Class Material:
Math Binder or Math Folder
Notebook Paper
AR Book
This year the math department received new textbooks and workbooks. We are
VERY excited about the curriculum! Each teacher has a classroom set of textbooks and
each student will receive their own workbook. Textbooks will be available to checkout on
an “as needed” basis which will be determined by the teacher. If a student loses or
damages a textbook or their individual workbook, then the student will be responsible
for replacing the textbook or workbook. The replacement cost for a textbook is $115.
The replacement cost for a workbook is $20.
Assignments/Homework/Late Work Policy:
As a general rule, the majority of textbook assignments must be completed
during the class period. Students will be given ample time for completion. Most
workbook pages will be assigned as homework and will be due the following day during
their class period. Assignments will be accepted ONE DAY LATE for a 50% deduction. If
the assignment is not turned in the next day, then it is an automatic ZERO without the
option of redoing it. There will be certain assignments that may not be eligible for a late
grade. If a student is absent on a test day, then they are responsible for scheduling time
with the teacher to make-up the missed test.
Grading Scale:
A: 90-100%
B: 80-89%
C: 70-79%
D: 60-69%
F: 59% or below
Grading Policies:
Major Grade (to be determined at the teacher’s discretion) = 60% of Total Grade
Minor Grade (to be determined at the teacher’s discretion) = 40% of Total Grade
It is the student’s responsibility to check the absent file folders and collect all
assignments that were missed due to an absence. A student will receive the same
number of days he/she were absent to make up work that was missed during an
absence. Assignments, deadlines, and tests that were announced or received prior to
the date(s) the student was absent will be due upon the student’s return to school.
No Supplies:
Students are expected to come to class fully prepared with all necessary supplies
to begin working after the tardy bell. Should students come to class unprepared, they
will be sent to their locker to retrieve supplies/assignments and will be counted as tardy.
Students will be expected to be in the classroom and in their seats when the bell
rings. If students are not in their seats when the bell rings, they will be marked as tardy.
If a student receives 3 tardies, they will be given a day of detention.
If you have any questions, comments, or concerns; please do not hesitate to contact
Thank you,
Ashlee Hall
Disclaimer: This syllabus is subject to change should unanticipated events merit it.