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U.S. History

8th Grade


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8th Grade U.S. History

Mr. Hall

2024-2025 Syllabus


Planning Period: 1:25 - 2:10 (6th Hour)


Contact Information: 

School Phone: 918-343-5105 

School Email: jon.hall@sequoyaheagles.net 


Classroom Expectations: 

1. You MUST be seated when the bell rings or you are TARDY. 

2. PHONES: All phones are to be turned off and locked in their locker at the 

beginning of the school day. A student will receive a phone violation 

(consequences determined by administration) if they are on their phone during 

the school day. 

3. Be prepared: Bring a pencil, grading pen, and binder EVERYDAY. 

4. Treat each other with respect. ZERO TOLERANCE FOR BULLYING. 


Daily Class Material: 




Notebook Paper 




Students will be provided class time to work on assignments assigned that day. 

Anything not completed by the end of the class period will be homework. Unless 

otherwise stated, all assignments will be due at the beginning of the hour the following 

day. Projects may be assigned that will require some time out of class. There will be a few movies played during different times of the year, forms will be sent home before we watch them. 


Grading Scale: 

A: 90-100% 

B: 80-89% 

C: 70-79% 

D: 60-69% 

F: 59% or below 


Late Assignments: 

I will accept assignments ONE DAY LATE for a 50% deduction. If the assignment 

is not turned in the next day, then it is an automatic ZERO without the option of redoing 

it. There will be certain assignments that may not be eligible for a late grade. The 

syllabus grade is not eligible for a late grade. 



It is the student’s responsibility to ask for and collect all assignments that were 

missed due to an absence. A student will receive the same number of days he/she were 

absent to make up work that was missed during an absence. Assignments, deadlines, 

and tests that were announced or received prior to the date(s) the student was absent 

will be due upon the student’s return to school. 


No Supplies: 

Students are expected to come to class fully prepared with all necessary supplies 

to begin working after the tardy bell. Should students come to class unprepared, they 

will be sent to their locker to retrieve supplies/assignments and will be counted as tardy; 

the tardy rule still applies. 



Students will be expected to be in the classroom and in their seats when the bell 

rings. If students are not in their seats when the bell rings, they will be marked as tardy. 

If a student receives 3 tardies, they will be given a day of detention. 

If you have any questions, comments, or concerns; please do not hesitate to contact 



Thank you, 

Jon Hall 


Disclaimer: This syllabus is subject to change should unanticipated events merit it.