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Sequoyah Student Council

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Cathy Boland - cathy.boland@sequoyaheagles.net

Grades 6-8


Becky Koger - becky.koger@sequoyaheagles.net

Grades 9-12

Student Council is designed to give students a sense of school pride, unity and a leadership role for the student body, as well as a voice in student government. Members participate in bi-annual conferences with 22 other schools in our district, community and campus events.  Student Council is the heart of the "Nest" which is the student section for our sporting events and put on our pep assemblies.

Hi, my name is Ali Park, and I am the Student Council President for this 2024-2025 school year. I have been a member of Sequoyah STUCO for 3 years, and I am also a part of the varsity basketball and volleyball teams as well as National Honor Society. I absolutely love the opportunities in community service STUCO gives. I enjoy helping others and the community. Having a leadership role has been incredibly rewarding and beneficial for me this school year as I have learned so much and been able to organize fun events for the student body. Love, love, love our STUCO and the environment around it. :)


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Sequoyah Public Schools 16441 S. 4180 Rd. Claremore, OK  74017

Sequoyah Elementary PH: (918) 341-6111

Sequoyah Middle School PH: (918) 343-5105

Sequoyah Mid High PH: (918) 341-5537

Sequoyah High School PH: (918) 341-0642

This institution is an equal opportunity provider.

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