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Middle School Library

Welcome to the web page for the Sequoyah Middle School Library.  We feel that active and engaged middle school libraries are essential for building future readers.  We encourage, promote and assist students and teachers so they can be effective users of ideas and information.  Our libraries foster the reading habit and use of a library for lifelong readers and learners. Please feel free to visit us whenever you can.



Library Happenings

"A library is the only single place you can go to learn something new, be comforted, terrified, thrilled, saddened, overjoyed or excited all in one day. And for free." by Amy Neftzger

February Reading Challenge

Blind Date with a Book Event


Helpful Links

On Line Resources   
Click on the bolded word/phrase for the website. 
Inserted Image Explore the titles available in your school's oniline library catalog.

Inserted Image
Britannica Online is a free resource to students K-8.
Inserted Image Awesome Library organizes the Web with 37,000 carefully reviewed resources, including the top 5 percent in education.
AR Bookfinder allows students to locate books that have AR tests. It also provides the number of points and the test number. 
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Sequoyah Public Schools 16441 S. 4180 Rd. Claremore, OK  74017

Sequoyah Elementary PH: (918) 341-6111

Sequoyah Middle School PH: (918) 343-5105

Sequoyah Mid High PH: (918) 341-5537

Sequoyah High School PH: (918) 341-0642

This institution is an equal opportunity provider.

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