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**Cheer Stunt Schedule updated 2-27**

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Making Every Arrow Count!!


Schools across the country are discovering an exciting new program that hits the bullseye in meeting the physical education needs of their students. Through the Oklahoma National Archery in the Schools (OKNASP) Program, students have the chance to excel today, tomorrow and throughout a lifetime in the unique sport of archery. The National Archery in the Schools Program (NASP), of which OKNASP is a part, is a coordinated effort and partnership between schools, state wildlife agencies and the nation’s archery industry. 


In Oklahoma, OKNASP promotes physical education by providing target archery training to the state’s youth.

Designed for 6th-12th graders, the curriculum covers archery history, safety, techniques, equipment, mental concentration and self-improvement.


For more information, contact Jennifer Bacon at jennifer.bacon@sequoyaheagles.net

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Sequoyah Public Schools 16441 S. 4180 Rd. Claremore, OK  74017

Sequoyah Elementary PH: (918) 341-6111

Sequoyah Middle School PH: (918) 343-5105

Sequoyah Mid High PH: (918) 341-5537

Sequoyah High School PH: (918) 341-0642

This institution is an equal opportunity provider.

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