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It's a Great Day to Be an Eagle!!

Mrs. Eagle's Page 
6th Grade English/7th Grade Mythology


Hello Sequoyah Parents, 

I wanted to reach out to share some fantastic news! We continue our spelling, grammar, and reading comprehension lessons to ensure their success on the end-of-year ELA exam. Our 6th graders have been and will continue working hard on their novels for the second semester: Island of the Blue Dolphin and Number the Stars. These stories demonstrate that having good character and valuing friendship positively impact students. They are fantastic reads, and I love seeing your child exemplify attributes from these stories. Keep up the good work!

All the best,

Mrs. Eagle

Hi! I'm Hillary Eagle. I have a bachelor’s degree in English Education and an associate’s degree in Secondary Education. I am also an ACT-certified Educator. My husband, John, graduated from Sequoyah in 2002. My family has a long history at Sequoyah. My four children are 3rd-generation Sequoyah Eagles. I have been a teacher for 14 years and have taught in this district for 12 years. At Sequoyah, I have taught nine years of 11th-grade English from 2013-2021, seven years of Senior English from 2016-2022, one year of 10th-grade English from 2021-2022, this year, and last year 6th-grade ELA. In 2020, I was awarded the High School Teacher of the Year.

Contact Information 

School Phone: 918-343-5105

Email: hillary.eagle@sequoyaheagles.net

Weekly Assignments

6th Grade Syllabus

Mythology Syllabus

Research Paper Helper

It's Great to be an Eagle!


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Sequoyah Public Schools 16441 S. 4180 Rd. Claremore, OK  74017

Sequoyah Elementary PH: (918) 341-6111

Sequoyah Middle School PH: (918) 343-5105

Sequoyah Mid High PH: (918) 341-5537

Sequoyah High School PH: (918) 341-0642

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