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Mrs. Henson's Page 
7th Grade English Language Arts and Yearbook

**We will be transitioning to Distance Learning from Tuesday, February 18th through FRIDAY, February 21st. 

Please check Google Classroom if you were absent on Monday and did not receive your assignment agenda for the week. I have posted all the information you'll need under the Classwork tab. The online agenda has been updated (as of 2/20) for our additional Distance Learning day on Friday.

Please email me with questions! I will be available all four days to help you with your work. 

**REMEMBER: ALL DISTANCE LEARNING ASSIGNMENTS ARE DUE UPON RETURN TO SCHOOL. You will have to turn in your Cause-Effect packet on Monday for grading, so make sure you have completed all your assignments for the week!

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Sequoyah Public Schools 16441 S. 4180 Rd. Claremore, OK  74017

Sequoyah Elementary PH: (918) 341-6111

Sequoyah Middle School PH: (918) 343-5105

Sequoyah Mid High PH: (918) 341-5537

Sequoyah High School PH: (918) 341-0642

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